Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mt Donna Buang conquered on 27.5km training walk

Sunday 12th Feb was the day of the hill. We met on top of Mt Donna Buang at 8.00am ish. I finally saw not one but three lyre birds beside the road on the way up the mountain. I have never seen one before in the flesh. Half an hour transport back down the hill to check point 6 Woori Yallock Primary School to meet up with our two support crew walking with us today - Bett and Kerry. This was the first time the whole two teams - team nurofen and team nurofenjerkin had walked together. The walking participants were: Brian, John, Clayton, Kate, Shona, Justine, Linda, Geoff. After a slight disagreement about the direction we were to start off on - we headed due east when we picked up the warby trail.

The sun had a bit of a bite to it even at 9.12 when we set off. We made very good pace and stopped for lunch at check point 7 at Milawa in record time. Off to Warburton after a nice sit down and some sock adjustments, and we crossed the main road and started up the aptly named Martyrs Road - just a warm up for what was ahead. Peeled off by the golf course and then upwards for two or so hours. Clayton's advice on not lying down when exhausted and keeping a steady pace keep us in good stead. We all emerged at the top into the sun in 6 hours and 5 minutes - some had got up the hill some time before.

I think walking hills like this is like childbirth, luckily humans are designed to forget significant pain and remember the good bits - like the snake Justine stood on.

A little tired on the way home - and such a long way home. I hope I can get someone to pick me up from the end and drive me home from the event!

Next week - hopefully back to cycling - then a night walk just for interest - back over the kokoda trail in the dark.

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