Monday, January 16, 2006

A new personality continuum - The Persicle (personality circle)

A slight departure from the training blogg.

Today my work colleagues (aka Paul Davy) and I came up with a new personality continuum in a discussion on the differences between geeks and nerds. We decided to try and describe the entire human spectrum of personalities as they related to these two nouns. It only took us 10 or so minutes, and we did get plenty of other work done as well!

We started with a linear model, but I decided that it should be circular. This was based on the long standing advice of Huey Lewis that it is hip to be square - hence there could not be a purely linear relationship between these traits. I believe I sit around the squerd sector of the model, Paul has claimed the Neek niche of the model - how about you? Paul believes that you can only appear on the outside of the circle, as all of these traits are distinctly different. I am less convinced based on the Huey Lewis statement. Thank you to David Lucy, Ray Beveridge and Germain Liew for your input improvement and critique of the model.

We may need to adapt the persicle - trailwalkers and anarchists find it hard to place them selves in the model - whatdoesthattellya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anarchists would probably reside somewhere between geek (because of their commitment to non-conformist intellectual pursuits) and funky (on account of potential punk stylings).