Monday, November 03, 2008

Community Garden Adventures

A few weeks ago, I got a call from Marc at the Kensington Recreation Centre about the community garden plot that I put my name down for a couple of years ago. I thought I had better take it up the offer as it was the last plot.

My first trip to the community garden revealed that plot 15 was a veritable jungle! Some hard work to clear a little of it, and now it sports some tomatoes and beans. I've dug up and composed with horse poo about 1/5 of the plot. No need to join the gym.

Turns out that having a community garden plot is equivalent to having a puppy! Lots of people talk to you through the fence, and some neighbours have even admitted to community garden envy!

The standard of neatness for community gardens is extremely high, so plot 15 is currently still the most untidy, even though I've spent some time pulling out the undergrowth and clearing the jungle.

It has been very therapeutic to dig over the hard earth and dig in some compost, plant a few things and chat to my new neighbours.

Turns out the queue for the community garden is about 50 people and there are only about 30 plots, so I was quite lucky to get my plot, even if it is a jungle.